Collaborative Counseling Cohort

Friday, 07 March 2025
12:00 PM CST

> Connection > Education > Consultation/Collaboration > Support/Self-Care

My hope for creating this group quite simply is to provide a safe place for counselors to connect, educate, consult, and support one another.

As an educator of graduate students as well as a clinician and supervisor in the counseling field, I have realized the disconnect between academia and “real life” counseling. We learn about theorists, human development, research, and take these courses, but are thrown into the counseling profession often inept at the real world intricacies of counseling life day to day.

I have also noticed the disconnect often present between generations of counselors. Particularly with this profession and in light of the telehealth explosion, counseling changes. It has changed significantly since I started in the late 2000’s. We have to grow as our clients grow and change, as well.

I would offer this as one way to “connect” and bridge these gaps within the counseling world…a place we can all come together collectively as counselors.

Live Weekly Meetings

Collaborative Counseling Cohort

Led by Porsche Reimer-Law, NCC, LPC-S

Both personally and professionally, I am a relational person. I tend to side more with these theorists, and firmly feel we all need connection, a “community feeling,” I believe Adler called it. This is what I hope to accomplish.

Inside the Collaborative Counseling Cohort, there will be structure, and the structure may be modified as we grow as a group. I will certainly be open to feedback, but for now, the tentative agenda for each meeting will be as follows:
*Connection - 10 min (introduction, mission, etc)
*Education - 15 min (week 1: When you're stuck in session…)
*Consult/Collab - 20 min (share any challenging cases, situations, need for referrals, etc)
*Support/Self Care - 15 min (celebrate wins, share struggles, self-care ideas, etc.)

This will be a LPC-S (Lic in Oklahoma) lead semi-structured group that aims to provide a connection in this often “lonely” profession. The goal is to keep us abreast of trends in the field and share insights into challenges and successes that may help others. My hope that this becomes a magnet for successful, committed counseling professions and a true community of counselors.   

Live Class Pricing

Counseling Cohort

$15 USD

  • weekly group for counselors to consult, collaborate, educate, and support one another

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